Yucca - Bright Edge

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  • Regular price $16.99

Yucca is a broadleaf, evergreen flowering shrub that is native to the southeastern area of the United States. The plant is easy to grow, drought resistant and will withstand salt spray. Wonderfully deer resistant and attracts butterflies.

About this Variety

Yucca Bright Edge makes a spectacular specimen plant growing as tall as 6' and as wide as 4'. The plant is said to have edible and medicinal uses. The blue-green, rigid leaves are bordered with a wide margin that emerges gold, then changes to a rich cream. In summer, this stunning Yucca is topped with 3' tall spikes with large, white, bell-shaped flowers.


  • Beneficial to pollinators; attracts hummingbirds & butterflies
  • Deer resistant
  • Drought tolerant
  • Perfect seaside landscaping choice
  • Easy to grow


Full Sun




Grows 5-6' tall


Plant 24-36" apart, 1.5-2" deep

USDA Zones:

Grow as Perennial in zones 7-11. Grow as Annual elsewhere.

Growing Instructions

Plant in the spring after all danger of frost has passed in a full sun location in moist but well draining soil. Soil preparation: The ideal soil is porous and drains well and yet still holds enough water for the roots. If your soil is heavy clay and drains slowly, or very sandy and does not hold water, add organic soil amendments (peat moss or ground bark). Spread a 3-4" layer of soil amendment, add fertilizer and incorporate together into the soil to a depth of 10". To plant: Dig a hole 1.5-2" deep in a sunny (at least 6 hours of direct sun), well drained location. Place in hole with roots pointed down and space 24-36" apart. Cover with soil and water. Mulch in extreme climates.

Care Tip

Newly planted palms need extra moisture during their first year in the garden to ensure they form a solid root system.


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