Lily of the Valley - Patio Kit - with Green Metal Planter & Growers Pot

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Spring 2025 Shipping Schedule: 3/21/2025

Lily of the Valley bears dainty, white flowers with a strong, sweet perfume in spring. Bell-like blooms hang from semi-pendulous, arching stems with lance-like foliage. It can be an aggressive groundcover given the right light conditions and rich, moist soil. Lily of the Valley tolerates drought in shaded locations. They are non-invasive and deer resistant. They can also be grown successfully in outdoor containers or indoors as a house plant. These plants have been around since 1000 B.C. and are often found near old foundations, where they proved more durable than the houses.

About this Variety

Our Patio Lily Kit comes with everything you need to grow this exotic plant. One large packaged Lily of the Valley root, a 5x7" trendy green metal decorative outer pot, a 5" nursery pot, a block of compressed soil and growing directions.


  • Deer & critter resistant
  • Elegant flower stems are perfect for cut flowers
  • Drought tolerant in shaded locations
  • Returns and blooms for years to come
  • Grows well in containers, garden beds and borders


Partial to Full Shade


Mid Spring


Grows 6-8" tall


Plant 4-6" apart, 2-3" deep

USDA Zones:

Grow as Perennial in zones 2-8. Grow as Annual elsewhere.

Growing Instructions

Patio Container Kit Planting: Plant early spring so the bulb can get established before the hot weather. They love the sun so consider that when choosing a location, however some afternoon shade will extend bloom time. Simply expand the soil, fill the nursery pot with 2/3 of the growing medium, position the bulb - roots down, pointy end up - and cover with the remaining soil. Water until moist and as needed, not letting the pot dry out.

Outdoor Planting: Plant Lily of the Valley outdoors in spring after all danger of frost has passed in a partially shaded location. The ideal soil is rich and porous and drains well, yet still holds enough water for the roots. If your soil is heavy clay and drains slowly, or very sandy and does not hold water, add organic soil amendments like peat moss or ground bark. Spread a 3-4 inch layer of soil amendment if needed and incorporate into the soil to a depth of 10 inches. Plant roots 2-3" deep and 4-6" apart. Cover with soil. Water thoroughly at planting. While actively growing, water frequently and thoroughly so that water will reach roots. Mulch to keep the soil cool and to prevent the soil from drying out. Fertilize during growing period.

Care Tip

Remove foliage after it has completely yellowed and died back.