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Lycoris, a member of the amaryllis family, is an heirloom favorite in southern gardens of the United States. It produces red, yellow, white or pink flower clusters (depending on variety) on strong, tall, naked stems. Strap-shaped leaves emerge before the bloom stalk appears.
Once established, lycoris are care-free and long-lived. Lycoris blooms are said to resemble spider legs, hence the name 'Spider Lily'. The names 'Resurrection Flower', 'Surprise Lily', 'Magic Lily' or 'Naked Ladies' are from the leaves disappearing in summer with the flower spikes seeming to rise from the dead in late summer.
Lycoris typically bloom during hurricane season in Florida which is where the name 'Hurricane Lily' originates.
About this Variety
Lycoris squamigera produces a fragrant, pink trumpet-shaped bloom creating a show when it suddenly appears late in summer. An 1882, heirloom variety. The genus name honors a Roman beauty, the mistress of Mark Antony.
- Beneficial to pollinators; attracts butterflies
- Exceptional naturalizer
- Deer & critter resistant
- Excellent for cut flowers
- Great for borders, rock gardens and scatter plantings
Full Sun to Partial Shade
Late Summer to Early Fall
Grows 12-24" tall
Plant 5-8" apart, 1-2" deep with top 'point' of bulb exposed above soil line
USDA Zones:
Grow as Perennial in zones 5-10. Grow as Annual elsewhere.
Growing Instructions
Plant in the fall, before the first frost hardens the soil. Dig a hole to the required depth. Place bulb in hole, pointed side up. Cover with soil and water thoroughly. Mulch in extreme climates.
For container planting, bury the bulb three times as deep as the bulb is wide. In zones 6 and below, you will need to protect your bulb containers. Place them near the foundation of the house or other structure. In zones 3-5, place the container in an unheated garage or shed.
After blooming, leave the bulbs in place so plants can clump or reseed. Divide only when containers or planting spaces become too crowded. Propagate in the fall by division after they have been chilled for four weeks in a moist medium.
Care Tip
Lycoris grows best when left undisturbed and for this reason is not recommended for containers. Dig up in fall and overwinter in zones 3-4. Replant in spring after danger of frost has passed.