Spring 2025 Shipping Schedule: 2/28/2025
Hollyhocks (also known as Alcea) are an old cottage garden favorite. Hollyhocks Mix roots produce outward facing pink, white and yellow flowers. The flowers grow on towering spikes that can reach up to 6’ tall. The sturdy stems top over rough, large foliage that effortlessly becomes smaller as it reaches the top of the shoot. Hollyhocks are perfect for the back border or along fences or walls. Hollyhocks make excellent cut or dried flowers. An ideal accent in mixed groupings of other summer flowering bulbs and perennials against a building, fence or hedge.
About this Variety
This Hollyhocks Collection produces a luscious mix of colors that are perfect for any cottage garden.
- Perfect flowering hedge
- Easy to grow
- Beneficial to pollinators; attracts hummingbirds
- Returns and blooms year after year
- Great for cottage gardens
Full sun
Grows 48-72" tall
Plant 12-18" apart, 2-3" deep
USDA Zones:
Grow as Perennial in zones 3-9, Grow as Annual elsewhere.
Growing Instructions
Plant Hollyhock roots in spring after the danger of frost has passed in a full sun location in well draining soil. Soil preparation: The ideal soil is porous and drains well and yet still holds enough water for the roots. If your soil is heavy clay and drains slowly, or very sandy and does not hold water, add organic soil amendments (peat moss or ground bark). Spread a 3-4" layer of soil amendment, add fertilizer and incorporate together into the soil to a depth of 10". To plant: Dig a hole 2-3" deep in a sunny, well drained location. Place the hollyhock roots in the hole so the tops sit 1-2" below the surface. Cover with soil and water thoroughly and frequently during the growing and flowering period so that the water will reach the roots. Mulch to keep the soil cool and to prevent the soil from drying out. Apply fertilizer before and after flowering.
Care Tip
Hollyhocks may need staking. Soak them in water for about an hour before planting. Mulching will protect them from drying out in warm weather.