Spring 2025 Shipping Schedule: 2/28/2025
Ranunculus resemble tissue roses. The sheer petals overlap to form a tightly packed rosette in pure tones of red, white, yellow, pink and orange. Ranunculus are a favorite of florists and not often seen in home gardens. Each bulb produces several flowers on straight stems with parsley-like leaves. Ranunculus blooms continuously for 5 to 6 weeks. Plant with papaver and anemone coronaria for a continuous display of vibrant color.
About this Variety
Early blooming Ranunculus mix in an array of colors from white, red, gold, orange, yellow and pink.
- Long-lasting cut flowers
- Grows well in containers
- Beautiful, seemingly perfect blooms
- Perfect cutting garden addition
- Beneficial to pollinators; attracts bees and butterflies
Full sun
Grows 12-18" tall
Plant 3-4" apart; 2-3" deep
USDA Zones:
Grow as Perennial in zones 8-10. Grow as Annual elsewhere.
Growing Instructions
Plant Ranunculus in zones 8-10 in the fall. Plant Ranunculus in zones 3-7 in the spring after all danger of frost has passed. Plant in a full sun location. Ranunculus loves soil that is rich, porous and drains well but still holds enough water for the roots. Ranunculus does not like wet, moist areas. If your soil is heavy clay and drains slowly, or very sandy and does not hold water, add organic soil amendments like peat moss or ground bark. Spread a 3-4 inch layer of soil amendment if needed, add fertilizer and incorporate into the soil to a depth of 10 inches. Plant in groups with corms spaced 3-4" apart for the best show. Ranunculus corms should be planted 2-3" deep. Water thoroughly at planting. Water regularly while growing and in bloom so that water will reach the roots. Mulch to keep the soil cool and to prevent the soil from drying out. Dig, dry, clean and store in a dry, cool place at 40-50ºF to over winter in non-hardy zones.
Care Tip
Soak the corms in luke warm water overnight before planting to jump start development. Plant after danger of frost. Plant the corms with the 'claws' pointing downward.